Your Measurements
mySASY uses state-of-the-art scientific knowledge, advanced technologies and, above all, original algorithms for data analysis and interpretation. Our know-how allows you to monitor the activity of both parts of the central nervous system (sympathetic and parasympathetic) even in field conditions. The current state of the autonomic nervous system, in particular the evaluation of the activity of its two branches, details the effect of the previous load on the internal balance of the organism. This evaluation enables you to optimize your training schedule.
mySASY and basic training theory
The basic training theory is based on the general adaptation principle (see picture)
POINT 1 At rest, the internal balance of the body (homeostasis) manifests itself in a basic, individually different balance between parasympathetic (PA) and sympathetic (SY) activity.
POINT 2 Using systematically applied training load, the internal equilibrium of the organism is disturbed - SY activity increases, PA activity remains unchanged or slightly decreases, which results in a shift of the result into quadrant 2.
POINT 3 The organism tries to prepare for repeated stress - adapt, increase its capacity - SY activity decreases, PA activity increases, it results in shifting the result to quadrant 1.
This capacity increase is of a certain amount and only happens for a limited time, depending on the training load characteristics. This time when the most efficient capacity increase occurs is called SUPERCOMPENSATION.
This effect gradually disappears. If there is no other stimulus/training at the time, there is a gradual decrease in capacity (detraining).
POINT 4, 5 If the training load is too high or the regeneration time is too short, there is an insufficient adaptation to the load, fatigue accumulates and there is a risk of overload and associated complications - PA activity decreases, SY activity increases translates in the shift of the result to quadrant 3 or 4.

The current compensation level helps determine the appropriate regimen for the following training load. The value is determined based on a comprehensive comparison of the current measurement with the results of previous measurements, with the so-called individual spectral profile.
- using an ingenious algorithm, we will compare all currently measured information with your previous results and show you the current level of compensation
- at values above 100%, the body literally calls for another load
- at lower values, on the other hand, it is necessary to prescribe a lower load and more regeneration
The basic verbal recommendation of the next training procedure is created algorithmically based on the results of current and previous measurements and your information about the ongoing training load.
It clearly shows graphically the tuning of the organism in the chosen period. Helps to identify the optimal training mode.
The location of a point within the graph presents the results of the corresponding measurements
- find out what is your current level of activation (sympathetic) and regeneration (parasympathetic)
- compare values for a selected period of any length
- sophisticated animation will show you how the observed balance has changed at the selected time
- With an interactively integrated calendar, you compare the achieved result along with real information about your workouts and feelings
As important as monitoring the location of the current result is the evaluation of the "dynamics of the parameters", the shift of the results compared to previous measurements. The following basic principles apply:
- Shift to the right - improving regeneration and replenishment of energy sources.
- Shift to the left - slowing down the regeneration and replenishment of energy sources.
- Shift down - activation of the organism and increasing stress (optimal response to stress).
- Move up - decrease activation.
- Shift left down - overload signal.
- Shift right up - a signal of super-compensation.

myFunctional age
Proper training will help you to rejuvenate. We'll show you how to do this and how to document it
- thanks to the functional age you can see your condition at first glance. After proper training, you get a little older. After that, proper regeneration will cause the desired rejuvenation
- You need to get younger gradually. Keep an eye on the long-term trend
- Tables and relative value charts let you make a very detailed analysis of all long-term and short-term trends
- The ability to graphically compare the data from your training provides a unique analytical tool
mySASY saves your time
● provides outputs that used to be only available from a time-consuming laboratory visit,
● increasing the training load in the system-identified supercompensation phase demonstrably increases the training effect while maintaining or even reducing the training time,
● reducing the training load in the system-identified phase of reduced regenerative capacity saves time that would be spent on inefficient training,
● the system identifies the first signs of overloading and thus greatly reduces the likelihood of injuries or other health complications and associated time requirements,