Every month, there are dozens of scientific articles devoted to the use of heart rate variability in sports. E.g. After entering the "heart rate variability sport training" keywords into the search engine search engine, you get over 14,000 results published since 2015. Below is a list of what we consider to be inspirational and important.
Literature - Czech authors
Bahenský P, Grosicki GJ. (2021) Superior Adaptations in Adolescent Runners Using Heart Rate Variability (HRV)-Guided Training at Altitude. Biosensors. 11(3):77.
Stejskal, P. (2008). Využití hodnocení variability srdeční frekvence ve sportovní medicíně. In K. Javorka et al. (Eds.), Variabilita frekvencie srdca: Mechanizmy, hodnotenie, klinické využitie. Pp. 168-195. Martin: Osveta.
Stejskal, P., & Salinger, J. (1996). Spektrální analýza variability srdeční frekvence – základy metodiky a literární přehled o jejím klinickém využití. Medicina Sportiva Bohemica et Slovaca, 5(2), 33-42.
Stejskal, P., Šlachta, R., Elfmark, M., Salinger, J., Gaul-Aláčová, P. (2002) Spectral analysis of heart rate variability: New evaluation method. Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucencis Gymnica, 32 (2), 13-18.
Šlachta, R. (2000). Sledování závislosti hodnot ukazatelů spektrální analýzy variability srdeční frekvence na věku vyšetřovaných osob. Disertační práce. Olomouc: Fakulta tělesné kultury Univerzity Palackého.
Šlachta, R., Stejskal, P., Elfmark, M., Salinger, J., Kalina, M., Řehová, I. (2002). Age and Spectral analysis of heart rate variability. 32 (1), 59-66.
Šlachta, R., Stejskal, P., Stejskal, D., Bureš, J., Elfmark, M., Kalina, M., Salinger, R., Jurča, R., Petr, M., (2000) Application of age-standardized parameters in evaluation of SA HRV in clinical practice. Gymnica, 30 (1), 41-48.
Šlachta, R., Stejskal, P., Kutálek, L. (2012). Cardiac autonomic modulation before parachute descent. Med Sport 16 (4), 146-149.
Botek, M., Stejskal, P., Jakubec, A., Kalina, M. Kvantifikace aktivity ANS v zotavení s možností monitorování procesu superkompenzace metodou spektrální analýzy variability srdeční frekvence. In: Salinger J, editor. Variabilita srdeční frekvence a její hodnocení v biomedicínských oborech - od teorie ke klinické praxi. Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého; 2004, p.10-7.
Hynek, J. (2015). VYužití spektrální analýzy variability srdeční frekvence k optimalizaci tréninku ve fotbale. Závěrečná práce UEFA PRO licence. Praha: FAČR.
Botek, M. (2007). Sledování aktivity autonomního nervového systému metodou spektrální analýzy variability srdeční frekvence u sportovců. Disertační práce. Olomouc: Fakulta tělesné kultury Univerzity Palackého.
Cipryan, L. (2008). Srovnání využití spektrální analýzy variability srdeční frekvence v individuálních a kolektivních sportech. Disertační práce. Olomouc: Fakulta tělesné kultury Univerzity Palackého.
Literature - foreign authors
Task-Force (1996) Heart rate variability: standards of measurement, physiological
interpretation and clinical use. Circulation 93: 1043–1065.
Akselrod S, Gordon D, Ubel FA, Shannon DC, Berger AC, et al. (1981) Power spectrum analysis of heart rate fluctuation: a quantitative probe of beat-to-beat cardiovascular control. Science 213: 220–222.
Banzer, W., Bürklein, M., & Rhodius, U. (2002). Heart rate variability as an diagnostic tool in high-class profesional tennis preseason training. In S. Miller (Ed.), Tennis science & technology 2nd (pp. 243-246). London: International Tennis Federation.
Barantke M, Krauss T, Ortak J, Lieb W, Reppel M, et al. (2008) Effects of gender and aging on differential autonomic responses to orthostatic maneuvers. J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol 19: 1296–1303.
Brown, S. J., & Brown, J. A. (2007). Resting and postexercise cardiac autonomic control in trained masters athletes. Journal of Physiological Sciences, 57(1), 23-29.
Budgett, R. (1998). Fatigue and underperformance in athletes: the overtraining syndrome. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 32, 107-110.
Buchheit, M., Mendez-Villanueva, A., Quod, M. J., Poulos, N., & Bourdon, P. (2010). Determinants of the variability of heart rate measures during a competitive period in young soccer players. European journal of applied physiology, 109(5), 869-878.
Earnest, C. P., Jurca, R., Church, T. S., Chicharro, J. L., Hoyos, J., Lucia, A. (2004) Relation between physical exertion and heart rate variability characteristics in professional cyclists during the Tour of Spain. Br J Sports Med; 38:568–575.
Hautala AJ, Makikallio TH, Kiviniemi A, Laukkanen RT, Nissila S, et al. (2003). Cardiovascular autonomic function correlates with the response to aerobic training in healthy sedentary subjects. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 285: 1747–1752.
Hedelin R, Wiklund U, Bjerle P, Henriksson-Larsen K (2000) Cardiac autonomic imbalance in an overtrained athlete. Med Sci Sports Exerc 32: 1531–1533.
Iellamo F, Legramante JM, Pigozzi F, Spataro A, Norbiato G, et al. (2002) Conversion from vagal to sympathetic predominance with strenuous training in high-performance world class athletes. Circulation 105: 2719–2724.
Lee CM, Wood RH, Welsch MA (2003) Influence of short-term endurance exercise training on heart rate variability. Med Sci Sports Exerc 35: 961–969.
Pichot V, Busso T, Roche F, Garet M, Costes F, et al. (2002) Autonomic adaptations to intensive and overload training periods: a laboratory study. Med Sci Sports Exerc 34: 1660–1666.
Plews DJ, Laursen PB, Kilding AE, Buchheit M (2012) Heart rate variability in elite triathletes, is variation in variability the key to effective training? A case comparison. Eur J Appl Physiol.
Pomeranz B, Macaulay RJ, Caudill MA, Kutz I, Adam D, et al. (1985) Assessment of autonomic function in humans by heart rate spectral analysis. Am J Physiol 248: 151–153.
Reyes Del Paso GA, Langewitz W, Mulder LJ, van Roon A, Duschek S (2013). The utility of low frequency heart rate variability as an index of sympathetic cardiac tone: A review with emphasis on a reanalysis of previous studies. Psychophysiology 50: 477–87.
Schmitt L, Fouillot JP, Millet GP, Robach P, Nicolet G, et al (2008) Altitude, heart rate variability and aerobic capacities. Int J Sports Med 29: 300–306.
Uusitalo AL, Uusitalo AJ, Rusko HK (1998). Endurance training, overtraining and baroreflex sensitivity in female athletes. Clin Physiol 18: 510–520.
Uusitalo AL, Uusitalo AJ, Rusko HK (2000) Heart rate and blood pressure variability during heavy training and overtraining in the female athlete. Int J Sports Med 21: 45–53.
Vesterinen V., Häkkinen, K., Laine, T., Hynynen, E., Mikkola, J., Nummela, A. (2015). Predictors of individual adaptation to high-volume or high-intensity endurance training in recreational endurance runners. Scand J Med Sci Sports. Aug 6. doi: 10.1111/sms.12530. [Epub ahead of print]
Vesterinen, V., Nummela, A., Heikura, I., Laine, T., Hynynen, E., Botella, J., Häkkinen, K. (2016). Individual Endurance Training Prescription with Heart Rate Variability. Med Sci Sports Exerc. Feb 24. [Epub ahead of print]