mySASY is entering a brand new segment! Become a part of the technological revolution in the field of Longevity!


Join the "myAGE LONGEVITY" group and co-create a system that will change the rules in this segment.



mySASY company has launched a brand new project, which ultimate goal is to deliver a product that aims at the ordinary, not semi-pro or even the pro exercising (sport) population. The Spectral Analysis Heart Rate Variability (SA HRV) technology and the hundreds of thousands of results collected so far will be used for a detailed “Functional age” diagnosis, which will completely help to individualize recommendations for lifestyle modification with the main emphasis on movement. The ultimate goal is to improve health and “rejuvenate”. The main feature of the system will be a continuously evaluated effectiveness feedback of the whole process through monitoring changes of the Functional age. The user will be able to clearly see, if performed activities have expected effects. If this is not the case, the program will be automatically adjusted using Artificial Intelligence (AI). How? All program’s parameters on input, output, and their dependencies will be monitored. AI will search for the most effective procedure corresponding to the parameters of the individual. The more people will use the system, the more effective and also individualized program recommendations will be. It will be a matter of course to interconnect with most of the mobile applications and wearable technologies, so the system is easy to use and limits the bothersome to its users, while collecting data.

And how can you contribute? Joining the group, you gain the possibility to influence testing and development of individual product components. Gradually, you will gain the opportunity to use the latest and newest working product versions for FREE (or under favorable conditions). You will also have the opportunity to share your opinion and hence heavily impact the product's future. We want to develop a product that will fit the needs of their future users.

JOIN the group, spread the word and invite your friends today!

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