mySASY in the hands of the Austrian ski mountaineering champion

Professional ski alpinist Julian Tritscher thoroughly tested our system all last year. You can read his impressions and findings in this article.


"The mySASY app has been very helpful in planning my training exactly according to the physical and mental state of my body."

And what are Juli's impressions of mySASY after a year of testing?

JULI: the whole last year I had the honor of monitoring HRV with the mySASY system. The first six months was based on watching my reactions to different levels of stress.

During the winter season races, the system showed me when it was time to rest. Daily measurements in the second half of the year helped me a lot to plan my training during the summer training exactly according to the physical and mental condition of my body.

Almost daily coordination with my trainer along with HRV results are the key to successful training.

One of the most important things was also my weekly meeting with mySASY expert consultant Barbora Ziaková. Her knowledge and advice on measurements and results was simply incredible and helped me better understand how everything works and how different influences affect my body.

Thanks to daily measurements, I experienced a year almost disease-free and in really good shape!

- Julian Tritscher - Austrian national champion in SPRINT U20 category


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